Whole Foods Countdown, 5 Days Remaining


Falconne007 /Free Photos

I look at the countdown and realize the end is almost upon me. It is a new start to a healthier lifestyle, but I am approaching it with some dread. No more meat…no fast food…scary stuff man. I have grown up in a processed food world and leaving it behind makes me nervous. My parents, especially my mom, always did a good job of making home cooked meals and much of it was whole food before whole foods was an idea. Of course we always ate lots of meat and the like, but it was not overly processed stuff. This will be a major change and our society does little to support the concept. Hell, even “health” food are crammed full of chemicals, sugars and fats. Have you looked at a diet anything’s information. Usually if it is low fat it is high in sugar and if it is low in sugar it is high in fat. I know this because, as a diabetic, I look for low sugar or sugar free items and I am constantly disappointed to find the amount of fat is through the roof. Fat and sugar taste good, which is why restaurants love to bombard us with it (yeah, that healthy grilled chicken breast you ordered…ingected with sugar water to make it taste better) and why even healthy looking/sounding alternatives do little to help us lose weight. I am as ready for this as I am afraid of it, but it will be better forme, my wife and my kids. This is a good thing.

Whole Foods Countdown, 5 Days Remaining


Falconne007 /Free Photos

I look at the countdown and realize the end is almost upon me. It is a new start to a healthier lifestyle, but I am approaching it with some dread. No more meat…no fast food…scary stuff man. I have grown up in a processed food world and leaving it behind makes me nervous. My parents, especially my mom, always did a good job of making home cooked meals and much of it was whole food before whole foods was an idea. Of course we always ate lots of meat and the like, but it was not overly processed stuff. This will be a major change and our society does little to support the concept. Hell, even “health” food are crammed full of chemicals, sugars and fats. Have you looked at a diet anything’s information. Usually if it is low fat it is high in sugar and if it is low in sugar it is high in fat. I know this because, as a diabetic, I look for low sugar or sugar free items and I am constantly disappointed to find the amount of fat is through the roof. Fat and sugar taste good, which is why restaurants love to bombard us with it (yeah, that healthy grilled chicken breast you ordered…ingected with sugar water to make it taste better) and why even healthy looking/sounding alternatives do little to help us lose weight. I am as ready for this as I am afraid of it, but it will be better forme, my wife and my kids. This is a good thing.

Whole Foods Countdown, 5 Days Remaining


Falconne007 /Free Photos

I look at the countdown and realize the end is almost upon me. It is a new start to a healthier lifestyle, but I am approaching it with some dread. No more meat…no fast food…scary stuff man. I have grown up in a processed food world and leaving it behind makes me nervous. My parents, especially my mom, always did a good job of making home cooked meals and much of it was whole food before whole foods was an idea. Of course we always ate lots of meat and the like, but it was not overly processed stuff. This will be a major change and our society does little to support the concept. Hell, even “health” food are crammed full of chemicals, sugars and fats. Have you looked at a diet anything’s information. Usually if it is low fat it is high in sugar and if it is low in sugar it is high in fat. I know this because, as a diabetic, I look for low sugar or sugar free items and I am constantly disappointed to find the amount of fat is through the roof. Fat and sugar taste good, which is why restaurants love to bombard us with it (yeah, that healthy grilled chicken breast you ordered…ingected with sugar water to make it taste better) and why even healthy looking/sounding alternatives do little to help us lose weight. I am as ready for this as I am afraid of it, but it will be better forme, my wife and my kids. This is a good thing.