Cover Reveal – The Coming Darkness

the Coming Darkness Cover


Justin is a fallen Angel. He just happens to be one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Grim Reaper himself, Death. A year has passed since he remembered who he was and what he is. He is regaining some of the abilities and memories he lost when he chose to fall to earth and live amongst humans, but he has a long way to go before he can fully reclaim his title. When Justin comes across a young girl being chased by a monster, he does what he can to save her, but he soon discovers this is no normal girl, and failing to save her will change the world forever.


“Something tells me this is the place,” said Samantha.

“I think you’re right.” Justin felt the Power emanating from the place; the origin or intent of the magic cast upon the little building remained elusive.

Justin opened the door and Samantha strode inside. Her sharp business attire and well-manicured look terribly out of place in the shop filled with countless shelves filled with books and dark little trinkets and charms that hung from hooks throughout the room. She sniffed and wrinkled her nose. “It smells like a tomb in here,” she said as she picked up the desiccated corpse of a chameleon from a nearby shelf.

“I’ve smelled worse,” Justin said as he entered the room and shut the door behind him. He stopped when he stood behind her and whispered, “Human magic often requires these sort of physical components, at least until the wizard is powerful enough to eschew such trappings.”

“How…uncivilized,” Samantha said as she placed the dead lizard back on its shelf.

“So true.”

The Angels turned to see a man entering the shop through a doorway behind a broad wooden counter. He was tall for a human, though he fell well short of Justin’s six and a half feet. He wore a dark purple button down shirt that nearly concealed the tattoos that covered his biceps and upper chest. Thick black and grey stuble covered his shaved head. His eyes caught Justin’s attention. He saw that sort of dark fire burning within the eyes of men before. Monuments carved in their likeness and tomes filled with tails of heroism and infamy contained their names.

“Welcome to The Curious Cat. My name is Mathew Finitz, and this is my shop.”



Eric Swett is the husband of Tracy and the father of Zachary, Connor, and Kaitlyn, and could not be prouder of his family.

He lives in Statesville, North Carolina, spends his daylight hours working in IT and has done so for the past six years.

Being a fan of all things geek, he has spent most of his life reading science fiction and fantasy. He started writing in high school, but it wasn’t until he moved to North Carolina that writing became anything more than a hobby.


You can find Eric online at Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and My Writer’s Cramp.

Beyond the Darkside: 30-15 to 16

The hiss and clang of a door opening in the distance brought Evan’s head around. “Hanse, I think we have company,” Evan said as loud as he dare without giving away his position. “Hanse?” The sound of heavy booted feet running across the ferrocrete floor made Evan get to his feet. “They’re getting closer, Hanse,” Evan called out.

“Just hold on,” Hanse yelled back. “I almost have it.”

At the far end of the row, a pair of helmeted men in black body armor rounded the corner and jogged toward Evan. “Time to go, Hanse. They’re almost here,” Evan said as he stepped into the doorway.

“Can you stop them? You know, with your…mind…thing?” Hanse shouted back.

“I couldn’t pick up a pencil right now,” Evan said.

“Oh well, I guess this will have to do,” Hanse said as he left the room. His backpack was overflowing with all manner of materials, and his pockets bulged, but the three barreled pulse rifle he carried with both hands that made the big man smile. “Let’s see how those security goons like my new toy,” Hanse said as he passed Evan and pointed the barrels down the hall.

While this is not part of my Armageddon Angels series, I hope you’ve enjoyed this snippet of Beyond the Darkside.  If you like it, please consider clicking the link below to go to my kickstarter page and become a backer.

Apocalypse Rising: The Coming Darkness Kickstarter

Inspired and Feeling Fine

Last night I got a little…emotional while watching the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer. I recorded a couple of videos and I’ll be sharing one of them here in a moment. Don’t worry, it’s not me blubbering for seven minutes. I talk about the trailer’s effect and how Star Wars is a source of inspiration for me.

On another note, I made my older son get out of bed a little early this morning so that I could play the trailer for both boys and Katie at the same time.  Katie was less than impressed (time to start the indoctrination), but the boys were both very excited about it.  You know it is good when Zachary is sitting on the couch looking a little stunned.

The Kickstarter is going well at this point. Six backers for $158 in the first two days is pretty awesome. Please check it out. Back me if you can. Share it if you can’t. I think you’ll really enjoy Apocalypse Rising: The Coming Darkness, and hitting my Kickstarter goal will make that happen so much faster.

Thank you for your support

I Am Broken

I should be sharing something about my Kickstarter campaign that launched yesterday, but I can’t. The link is there. You can click it, check out some information on the new book, but I’ll be honest. I’m sitting here in shock. I just wiped away the tears and I don’t quite know what to do. I’ll do a video post on my kickstarter and will probably post it here tomorrow, but for now, I can’t. I am broken.

Continue reading “I Am Broken”

Kickstarter Launched!

I started my kickstarter campaign for my next book. What’s the name of this book you say? Well watch the video and follow the K link in the corner to find out.

Thank you for your support!



Black Friday Sale


‘Tis the season for buying Christmas presents. So in the spirit of the season I will be offering a discount for all Smashwords purchases through December 28th, 2014.

If you have not been to Smashwords then you are missing out. Smashwords offers e-books in all major formats and I am glad to have my books listed there. Just use the discount codes below and you can pick up my books for 66% off the regular price.

Apocalypse Rising – CODE: DV35Z – $0.99

Apocalypse in the Balance – CODE: LU53W – $1.99

Book Promotion

Lessons Learned This Weekend

It would be oh so easy to sit here and complain about it being Monday. My wife has the week off and our friend from Arizona is staying for the week. My little girl will be home all week with her momma and the boys only have a day and half of school this week. But am I bitter about having to go to work for three days? Yes. Yes, I am.

Book Promotions

I’m not going to focus my attention on all of that though. I’m going to focus in on the fact that on Saturday I spent the day at the Broad Street United Methodist Church’s Christmas Bazaar. I set up my table and waited for the customers to come rolling up. And waited. And waited. Sigh.

Kathryn Reed, my friend and the organizer of the event, did her best to bring people to my table and always introduced me as, “Eric Swett, the famous author,” and some people stayed to talk, but most wandered away without making a purchase. After lunch time I was visited by someone who asked some questions and wandered off, but she came back and bought a copy of Apocalypse Rising.  Sweet.  A little while later I had a couple come by and ask a bunch of questions about the books and the series. They were going to buy Apocalypse Rising, but I offered up Apocalypse in the Balance at a discount and they jumped on it. Super Sweet. I used the same deal for a friend that came by and he bought both books as well. That was the end of the little selling spree I hit, but I was pleased.

So what did I learn from this, my second public outing as an author?

First, I learned that I need a button to clip to my shirt/jacket that says, “Yes, I am the author.”  It was amazing to me how many times the first question out of anyone’s mouth was, “Did you write this?” or some variation on that theme. I would have thought it obvious, but I guess not.

Book Promotion

Second, I need to be better prepared before the day of the event. I had some great little signage that I created and some flyers with plenty of information, but I know it looked sloppy in the holders I bought that morning at Walmart (the sheets of paper were too big and I had to fold some edges). I also need a little book stand or something like that so that I can better display the books. Also, an easel and larger bit of signage would have been nice to grab attention. There was one other author at the Bazaar and she had a nice big foam core board picture of her book’s cover and I was completely envious. It seems like a small thing, but theses are investments I need to make for the future.

Third, I’m a pretty good with people. I’m personable enough, but I suck at self promotion and I feel awkward talking about how awesome my books are. When the Bazaar started I felt mousy, hiding behind my tables and my fliers, waiting for people to stop in front of me long enough for me to say something. The further along the day went the more I was willing to reach out to the people walking by and engage them in conversation. I talked about my book, about what it was about, finding the points of interest that might get the book sold, and damn but it felt good. I’m a long way from perfecting my pitch or approach, but the more public events I participating, the better I will get.

I struggle with self promotion and book promotion online for the same reasons I struggle in person. I suck at talking about myself or what I have done. If I can get better at it in person, maybe I can get better online as well.  I know my books, especially the newest one, are good, and the only thing holding me back is me. I’m ready to make that next step, even if it is a small one.


The Blog Tour Is Coming To An End

Blog TourBlog Tour

Well the Blog Tour is over, but it is not too late to take the tour and enter the rafflecopter giveaway. The Rafflecopter will be good until 11/14, so make sure you enter to win.

Here is a list of blogs and their links:

Finding the Fantastic in Fallen Places – Hosted by C. P. Bialois

An Interview by George Sirois

NaNoWriMo Preparations – Hosted by AC Elliot

A Quick And Dirty Book Review by AJ Beamish

Inspiration – Hosted by Melina Turner

Fear of the Unknown – Hosted by AJ Beamish

Inspired to Write – Hosted by Jamie White

An Interview by Todd Maternowski

A Book Review by C. P. Bialois

A Book Review by Jamie White

A Book Review by AC Elliot

Writing About the Apocalypse – Hosted by Rachel Bostwick

Driven to Write – Hosted by Kristy Carey

A Book Review by Georgina Hannan


Thank you for participating in the blog tour and make sure to visit Amazon an buy a copy of Apocalypse in the Balance.


Lucky Number Thirteen on the Blog Tour

Is it Your Lucky Day
Is it Your Lucky Day (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Just like that we come to the last guest post of the Apocalypse in the Balance Blog Tour, and today we get another excellent reviews. This time we visit Georgina Hannan for her take on the book and it is a good one. Georgina has not read the first book, so it will definitely give some perspective to those who are worried about picking it up without having read Apocalypse Rising.

Tomorrow we’ll have a follow up post and the last post of the Blog Tour, so if you missed any of the posts over the last two weeks you’ll find a complete list there. Make sure you go back, read them all and enter your chance to win an autographed copy of one of my books.  You can register to win at each site.