Week One Mini-Nano Update

So I did not exactly blog every day over the course of this week, and I apologize for that. It turned out to be a really busy week for work and I added a new pastime to my online portfolio: Twitch Streaming. Playing some video games is my primary way to blow off steam, so I thought I would give the Twitch thing a try. I’ll talk more about that on another post, but it contributed to the limited number of posts I managed this week.

The good news is, as far as my Mini-Nano goes, I have managed to keep on track. Since my Day Two post I have managed to maintain an average of 651 words per day in 25 minute increments. Honestly this is the most consistent I have been in a while. I have cleaned up a couple loose threads and started working with someone who is helping with the editing of the story. If I can catch a little break at work this week then I will post a chapter or two and I would love to get your feedback.

So how are you doing with NaNoWriMo or your Mini–Nano? Are you keeping the pace, working ahead, or endlessly falling behind? Let me know!

Mini-NaNo: Day Two

Another day, another twenty-five minutes. I call that a good start. I managed to clear 632 words in today’s twenty-five, but more importantly I feel like I’ve set a path forward for the story. I even finished the chapter, so I may post it tomorrow or the next day depending one how brutal the day job is.

I really need to reread the whole thing and put some sort of timeline in place so I can figure out where I am going with this thing other than the vague notion of an ending. I imagine I will have to spend some time dedicating myself to organization this weekend.

So how about the rest of you? How are you doing on NaNoWriMo? Did you create your own Mini-Nano goal? Tell me about it. I want to celebrate your triumphs with you.


Mini-Nano: Day One

So today I started my Mini-Nano adventure. My personal goal is to hit twenty-five minutes of writing per day for the next thirty days. I did not get a lot of response on the poll I posted regarding Mini-Nano, but those who did respond picked Beyond the Darkside as the project of choice, so that is exactly what I have done.

I ended up writing for about 26 minutes all things said and done, and in that time I managed a little more than 700 words. Now that is nothing epic, but that is a good amount of writing for me as of late, so I will take it.

One day in. One day successful.

I need to figure out the exactly where I am going with this, so hopefully I can brainstorm a way forward in this story tomorrow. Once I have the current chapter done and a quick edit I’ll post it here.


NaNoWriMo OhNo!

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.
— Tony Robbins

Every year as November approaches I go through the internal debate of whether or not to do NaNoWriMo. In all the years I have tried to do NaNo I have only hit the 50K mark once. I always start out with the best of intentions and do well at first, but I always fall short in the end.

So why am I missing the mark? The first problem is as it is for most people: Time. I am lucky if I can crank out a couple thousand words in a week, much less 1667 per day every day for a month. I work a full time job and have a wife and kids. I could probably do 1667 per day if I could find a solid couple hours uninterrupted before 10PM. Most of my writing happens between ten and midnight, but lets face it, I have been up since about 6AM and have been going pretty full tilt until about nine or ten. I am freaking exhausted by the time I can sit down and write.

Continue reading “NaNoWriMo OhNo!”

NaNoWriMo, I Have Failed Thee

So it is day twelve of NaNoWriMo and I have decided that this year’s attempt is a bust.

NaNoWriMo: the niche
NaNoWriMo: the niche (Photo credit: mpclemens)

I’m enjoying the story idea and I will definitely be pursuing it in some fashion, but I know that I’ve fallen far enough behind that there is no making up the difference for me. Honestly, I didn’t think I would be able to hit the 50k mark, but I thought I would do a bit better than I have. Working three jobs with one of them suddenly having an extended deadline left me almost no time to write. As it is I should be working on some stuff for job number three rather than writing this post, but even I need a break every now and then.

So where does that leave me, my writing and this blog? Well I’ll go back to focusing my efforts on editing AR2 and working on my science fiction serial. It makes for a very disappointing November, but there is always next year.

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NaNoWriMo 2013 – Part One

It is day six of NaNoWriMo and I am already way behind, but I’m working on it.  I thought I would share my progress as of last night, so here you have it:


Construction worker in San Francisco.
Construction worker in San Francisco. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


It started with a boom. Somewhere off in the distance there was an explosion. I couldn’t see any smoke, but I was in the heart of downtown Delphi so I wouldn’t see much unless it was happening right in front of me. The massive skyscrapers of the world’s largest new metropolis provided a sense of security that bordered on oppression. Modern building codes made each one resemble a medieval fortress that reached toward the heavens, and their stability protected the people inside from the dangers of the modern world. I shrugged off the noise and continued my walk to the office. Continue reading “NaNoWriMo 2013 – Part One”

NaNoWriMo 2013 Update

The setup for NaNoWriMo at home, if I need to ...
The setup for NaNoWriMo at home, if I need to be portable. Long exposure lit by sweeping an LED flashlight over the scene. clickthing.blogspot.com/2008/10/tennish-anyone.html (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So I have been feverishly working on putting together an outline and a couple of quick character sketches for my 2013 NaNoWriMo attempt, and I finally finished. Okay, I say finished, but really I mean that I have something that I can at least work from. outlining has never been my strong suite. I tend to write with a VERY vague idea about what the story will entail and that often changes a dozen times between the time I start and the time I finish. This has been my first real attempt to outline a story from the beginning, and I hope that it proves useful and that the habit grows on me.

Here is a page I found that helped me with my outlining, because you know I need all the help I can get.  Duo-Lit.

Anyhow, I’ll be posting my output here as I can and I hope you enjoy what you see, but read it fast, because it comes off the blog December 2.


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NaNoWriMo 2013

The setup for NaNoWriMo at home, if I need to ...
The setup for NaNoWriMo at home, if I need to be portable. Long exposure lit by sweeping an LED flashlight over the scene. clickthing.blogspot.com/2008/10/tennish-anyone.html (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is that time of year again. It is NaNoWriMo time, and I am going to give it a shot this year despite my rather full plate.  I know, you’re saying, “But Eric, you still have to edit AR2 and get it out for your adoring fans to read,” and you would be absolutely right, but I need to push myself in November because I feel like I have let myself get lazy with my writing habits this year and I need a good kick in the shorts to get me revved up again.

My original idea for this year was going to be my intended story for last year, but I cannot find my notes, so I need to scurry an outline together in a hurry if I want to go with that SUPER secret concept. If I can’t put that together then I will just do the sequel to my NaNoWriMo from two years ago. I have a lot of it ready to go already, so it would be an easy substitute.  Of course, if I have to go that route, it sure makes it look like NaNoWriMo will be a struggle since I can’t even find the time to redo my outline and character notes.

I am growing a small group for mutual encouragement, so if you want to join us, just stop by my NaNoWriMo page HERE and add me as a buddy.

Good Luck!

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Sometimes You Have To Change Your Priorities

If you have been following this blog at all for the last year or so, you know that until recently I have been a pretty consistent blogger, with my daily 100 posts being the primary staple until this summer. My consistency was thrown for a loop back in January when we found out that my wife was pregnant. I was able to keep up with my writing for most of the year, but eventually my husband/father duties, along with my second and third jobs, put a limit on how much time I had to write.
Continue reading “Sometimes You Have To Change Your Priorities”

New Year’s Resolutions and Other Insanities

Anthony K. Valley /Foter

Last year I set one real goal/resolution for 2011. I wanted to average 500 words per day in my writing and I’m happy to say I exceeded that. I barely wrote anything I in December and still my average for the year exceeded 600. The 50k word written for NaNaWriMo helped me take a break in December which I desperately needed so that I could bend more of my will against the editing process. Continue reading “New Year’s Resolutions and Other Insanities”