100-WordChalenge, Day 357


Morning Star
Morning Star (Photo credit: MCS@flickr)

“Only the dead may access Heaven?” I ask as a plan starts to form in my mind.

Gloriana looks up at me, one of the few who will do so without flinching, and says, “only the dead. The earth bound Angels are stuck in their physical form, and those who were caught outside the gates, when He disappeared, have taken up residence in purgatory.”

“Interesting,” I say aloud. My mind races as I remember the last time the gates of heaven were locked. The Morning Star had rebelled and Heaven shook with the fury of battle until He cast the rebels out.

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100-Word Challenge, Day 357


Morning Star
Morning Star (Photo credit: MCS@flickr)

“Only the dead may access Heaven?” I ask as a plan starts to form in my mind.

Gloriana looks up at me, one of the few who will do so without flinching, and says, “only the dead. The earth bound Angels are stuck in their physical form, and those who were caught outside the gates, when He disappeared, have taken up residence in purgatory.”

“Interesting,” I say aloud. My mind races as I remember the last time the gates of heaven were locked. The Morning Star had rebelled and Heaven shook with the fury of battle until He cast the rebels out.

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100-Word Challenge: Chapter Eight



Robert walked through the crowd of people shuffling about the city, each intent on whatever little task had driven them from their buildings, oblivious to the humanity surrounding them. Bees. They’re just like bees. Little drones sent out by their queens. Robert disliked the analogy, but it was appropriate. They had lost their way, their sense of community. He loved humanity, but he despised what it had become. Self-serving and self-concerned, mankind had lost its spirit. Occasionally there were flashes where God’s work shone through, but it was becoming infrequent. “Perhaps a good flood would do them well.”

“Well it would certainly clean the place up a bit,” Adriel said. She floated just above the ground, invisible to all but Robert or any other Light touched. “However, as I recall things, the smell after the last one was pretty atrocious. A world full of carrion and only a handful of animals left to consume it? What a stench.” Continue reading “100-Word Challenge: Chapter Eight”

100-Day Challenge, Day 317


Inside The Tunnel
Inside The Tunnel (Photo credit: Riggzy)



I hear claws on concrete moving through the tunnels fast. The tunnel is shrouded in darkness and fog, hiding what comes my way. The noise grows louder by the second until it is a roar of clicking and scratching that threatens to overwhelm me. I stay loose, ready to lunge the moment the enemy makes an appearance. I had not planned on facing more than a handful of summoned or conjured creatures. Thoughts of being overwhelmed flash through my mind and are quickly banished. I will survive this or I will not. Worrying only assists my enemies and I would give them nothing but death.

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100-Day Challenge, Day 317


Inside The Tunnel
Inside The Tunnel (Photo credit: Riggzy)



I hear claws on concrete moving through the tunnels fast. The tunnel is shrouded in darkness and fog, hiding what comes my way. The noise grows louder by the second until it is a roar of clicking and scratching that threatens to overwhelm me. I stay loose, ready to lunge the moment the enemy makes an appearance. I had not planned on facing more than a handful of summoned or conjured creatures. Thoughts of being overwhelmed flash through my mind and are quickly banished. I will survive this or I will not. Worrying only assists my enemies and I would give them nothing but death.

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100-Word Challenge, Day 267

“What were you thinking?” Gloriana asks as she turns on Julius. “Bringing him here of all places? Are you trying to get yourself killed?” She paces back and forth in the narrow hall just inside the door. “How will we get him out of here without being discovered?”

“I don’t know,” says Julius, “but I couldn’t leave him to die, could I?”

“Well of course not!” she snaps, “but you could have taken him somewhere else.” She storms off down the hall, her beauty unblemished by her fury, with Julius trailing close behind, leaving me alone in the entryway, wondering what is going on.

100-Word Challenge, Day 229

It is when I clear the third flight of stairs that it occurs to me: I never left the first floor. The security guards had dragged me to the interrogation room, but we never got in an elevator and there wasn’t some big ramp upwards, so we never went up.  That means that I am heading into the basement, not out of the building.

What kind of a jackass marks a stairwell as emergency exit when it takes you further into the building? I am glad I don’t work here.  If the building catches fire people will die down here.

100-Word Challenge, Day 228

I head through the door and find myself in a stairway leading up and down. The smart move would be to go up, away from the way out, because they wouldn’t be expecting that, but smart really isn’t on the table at the moment.  Albert sent an army after me, so even if I got away from them and Hitaratsu was able to kick them out of the building, I was still going to end up in a whole lot of trouble. I take a deep breath and run down the stairs, praying that the exit is closer than the gunmen following me.

100-Word Challenge, Day 227

Ahead of me there is a loud clicking sound that reminds me of the sound of castle portcullis being ratcheted up. Someone is coming through the door at the end of the hall, so I dive down a side corridor. It is probably Hitaratsu security trying to reestablish control of the building, but I don’t want to become the victim of a, “shoot first, ask questions later,” policy. I run down the hall and find an emergency exit. Salvation! I push the bar, only to set off an ear-splitting alarm. Good job Justin, way to tell everyone where you are.

100-Word Challenge, Day 226

There is something very motivating about the sound of bullets whizzing past you. I find myself saying, “thank you,” over and over again as I run. I trip over my own feet and fall as I turn the corner, but I get up quickly and keep going. The lack of bullets flying by doesn’t convince me to slow down, because I know they’ll be back if I don’t get out of this place. I’m running deeper and deeper into the building, turning down every hall I find, trying desperately to lose my pursuers. I just hope I don’t get so lost that I can’t get back out again.